Data Stories #48 Vis Going Mainstream w/ Stamen’s CEO Eric Rodenbeck

Eric Rodenbeck on Data Stories Feb 10th 2015


Eric-Rodenbeck-blackandwhiteGreat episode here folks! We have Stamen's CEO Eric Rodenbeck on the show to talk about "Visualization Going Mainstream". Moritz took inspiration from Eric's Eyeo talk "And Then There Were Twelve – How to (keep) running a successful data visualization and design studio." and decided he must come on the show. Stamen is a design studio in San Francisco founded in 2001 by Eric. They have been real pioneers in data visualization and cartographic mapping with the production of great apps and libraries such as Pretty Maps, Trulia Hindsight, Crimespotting and many many more. (See also our episode with Mike Migurski) With Eric we discuss a broad range of important topics including: how to manage a vis business, how to have an impact with visualization and visualization success stories. Enjoy the show! LINKS

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