HTE 062: Jessica Turner on The Fringe Hours and Making Time For Your Business

Jessica Turner on Hack The Entrepreneur Feb 18th 2015


One of the hardest parts of starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur is finding the time. This gets even harder when you have a job, family and all of the demands that come with both of these.

Today’s guest is different than every other guest I have had on the show, so far. She is an entrepreneur, but only during her Fringe Hours.

She has a full-time job working in social media and content at a Children’s hospital, she is a mom to 3 beautiful children — the youngest being only a few weeks old at the time of this conversation.

Yet, despite all of this, she has built an incredible business around a blog called The Mom Creative.

She makes what many would consider a full time income off of the business, but she has no plans to quit her day job.

As if this isn’t all enough, her very first book was officially released on February 17, 2015  and it is aptly titled, The Fringe Hours: Making Time For You.

Now, let’s hack…

Jessica Turner.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How and why Jessica uses an editorial calendar to stay consistent with the content she produces
  • Understanding your capacity and working within those parameters
  • Managing expectations of sponsors
  • Why using affiliate links is good for your audience

Resources and links mentioned:

site by mubs