197 RR The Social Coding Contract with Justin Searls

Justin Searls on The Ruby Rogues Mar 4th 2015


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02:23 - Justin Searls Introduction

03:02 - Justin Searls: The Social Coding Contract

04:58 - Transitive Dependences and Understanding Technical Debt

15:21 - Learning Outside Work Hours

21:21 - Understanding Transitive Dependencies (Cont’d)

23:00 - Use Someone Else’s Framework or Write Your Own?

  • “It Depends.”
  • “A dirty code base is the sign of a well-monetized application.” - Matt Scantland

31:25 - When Does it Hurt to Use Tools You Don’t Completely Understand?

34:14 - Leaving Code Behind

36:26 - Be a Responsible Open Source User

47:22 - Reacting to Change

54:16 - Just Blog It!

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