174 FS Social Media with Laura Roeder of Edgar

Laura Roeder on The Freelancers' Show Oct 22nd 2015


00:55 - Laura Roeder Introduction

01:10 - How Edgar Works

03:31 - Why should you share you own content more than once?

06:25 - What is the most effective approach to scheduling content?

09:01 - Getting Over the “Spammer” Mentality

11:51 - Scheduling

14:47 - Handling Feedback (Complaints)

16:43 - What should you be saying on social media?

19:59 - Should you have multiple accounts? Should you use different platforms for different purposes?

26:06 - How do people even keep up with social media?

30:27 - Hashtags

  • Conference/Event News

33:58 - Facebook Pages

36:14 - Social Media Etiquette

39:42 - The Business and Background of Edgar

42:17 - “Request Access” (List Building)

43:51 - Getting Started with Social Media

45:58 - Twitter Cards

46:23 - Email Marketing

49:56 - Keeping Up with Social Media (and targeting the wrong ones)


Other tools mentioned on today’s show


feedly (Reuven)
Super Spicy Media Blog (Jonathan)
Resources for DYFConf attendees by Kurt Elster (Jonathan)
Edgar (Chuck)
Hootsuite (Chuck)
Tweetbot (Chuck)
Unfollowers.com (Chuck)
Basecamp (Chuck)
Pocket (Laura)

site by mubs