037 Pat Flynn - $77,000 / month from Smart Passive Income Podcast & AskPat

Pat Flynn on Marketing Optimization Mar 9th 2014


Lead Generation, Split Testing and Conversion Optimization.  Pat Flynn is doing over $50,000 per month in revenue from his podcast and website Smart Passive Income Podcast. He goes into deal about his new website redesign and some of the lessons he learned. Pat Flynn also breaks down some of the tools he uses to do split testing, lead generation and affiliate marketing.

Tools that Pat Flynn uses LeadPages, Crazy Egg, Affilitate Marketing and Google Analytics. You can also do split testing with Visual Website Optimizer or Optimizely. The payment processor for online purchases is called GumRoad.

Conversion optimization mastermind at http://alexdesigns.com/mm

Learn more at http://marketingoptimization.tv/

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