DPB 021: Your SEO Questions Answered w/Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin on The Dealer Playbook Aug 14th 2014


"You need to have a website that serves your audience"

Rand Fishkin

In the automotive industry especially we hear so much conflicting information when it comes to your websites SEO (search engine optimization) and what makes it even worse a good majority of the information dealers receive regarding SEo are just well flat out wrong. 


That being the case the team here at "The Dealer Playbook" wanted to deliver you REAL SEO strategies that will deliver your dealership REAL results. 


So for session number 21 Robert and Michael sit down with the undisputed and world renowned SEO and content marketing expert Rand Fishkin the founder of Moz a SEO/Marketing agency based out of Seattle Washington. 


SEO is always a hot topic for most automotive dealers and sometimes it can get overwhelming and just plain confusing. Rand breaks down advanced SEO strategies for car dealers in a language and manner that is easy for anyone to digest. 


It was a great honor to have a conversation with Rand Fishkin and this session is jam packed with  priceless information to kick your websites SEO to whole new levels and dominate the search engines. 



What you will learn from Rand Fishkin 


- What your website NEEDS to do 


- The truth about getting your content ranked 


- Identifying the right content strategy for you 


- The scoop on Googles latest search engine update "Pigeon" 


- The direction and future of online search 



 What you see above is just a taste of the wealth of awesome information SEO expert Rand Fishkin unleashed on us in this session. 


The DPB team certainly hopes you took as much value from this session as we did and the best part is you can listen to it again or make sure your team member in charge of your dealerships SEO checks it out. 


Links and resources mentioned in this session


Rand Fishkin's blog 




Moz Blog / Whiteboard Friday Videos 




Moz Beginners Guide To SEO




Barnacle SEO Video That Michael Mentioned




Connect With Rand On Twitter 






We want to hear your questions and comments about SEO!!!


Sound off below in the comments section with your input, opinions and questions below and we will keep the conversation going and or get answers to all your questions. 




If you took any value out of this session and you have not already make sure you get subscribed to "The Dealer Playbook" so you never miss a beat. 


Click here to join the family. 


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Thank you for dialing into this session of "The Dealer Playbook" podcast. 


Be sure to check out some of the previous 20 sessions that are packing the heat just like this one. 


Thanks for the love and see you next time :)



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