#1116 How to build an engaged community online – with Ryan Hoover

Ryan Hoover on Mixergy Interviews Feb 6th 2015


Today we’ve got a long-time Mixergy fan who’s here to talk about how he built a community, a community I’m proud to be a part of and so many other people in the startup world are part of. He created a site that features a list of new products that are voted on by the startup and tech community. Three million referrals-that’s how many they’ve sent out per month from the site. That means people like me are going to their site, finding new products and not just looking at them and gawking and criticizing, but clicking over to see those products. That’s how active that community is. His name is Ryan Hoover. He is the founder of Product Hunt, which surfaces the best new products every day.

Ryan Hoover is the Founder of Product Hunt which surfaces the best new products every day.

site by mubs