EP1 - How Pat Maddox went from 0 subscribers to over $3k MRR in 10 days

Pat Maddox on Stacking the Bricks Jan 9th 2015


30x500 Alumni Pat Maddox joins Alex Hillman. They talk about how Pat used the 30x500 process of Sales Safari and dropping ebombs. Then Pat shares how he ruthlessly followed just three steps every day for 10 days to get from from barely making rent to having over $3000 in MRR from paying customers and over 1000 subscribers on his mailing list. Tune in and learn from Pat. Check out his blog at patmaddox.com. This recording originally appeared on UnicornFree.com in an article titled "From zero to $3k MRR in 10 days, the story of RubySteps": https://unicornfree.com/2014/from-zero-to-3k-mrr-in-10-days-the-story-of-rubysteps

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