Stacking the Bricks


The worst part about building any business - especially bootstrapping - is doing it alone.

If you're tired of all the buzzwords, boosterism, mythologizing, the cult of overwork in the world of startups, it's easy to feel like the oddball in the room. You care about spending less time working for bosses or clients on stuff you hate. Chasing venture capital sounds like a chore; You want to build stuff that helps people, and charge for it! Good news, you're in the right place. People are bootstrapping businesses all around you. Even though you'll rarely find talk of revenue, customer happiness, or sustainability in places like Hacker News, bootstrapping is neither rare, nor especially difficult. You don't have to wage war or reinvent the wheel. And you definitely don't have to be lonely. We're here to share the real stories of today's business bootstrappers: the makers who make their money with products and launches instead of client pitches and hourly consulting.


Stacking the Bricks on the Web


site by mubs